Discover the latest issue of our quarterly, Lémaniques

From cathedral windows to dodgy soft toys...

... what contrasts, what variety of lifestyles the wealth of aquatic species is capable of displaying!
Splendid algae, alas invisible to the naked eye, miserable teddy bears that are almost extraterrestrial, extremely cute but so touching and just as discreet, such are the hosts of our waters that we usually only admire as ducks and fish. The title of this Lémaniques is in fact an abuse of the term "misery" attributed to the Tardigrade, (water bear by its small name) because this tiny cousin of arthropods (insects, crustaceans) less than 2 mm long is invincible, a veritable Superman. It can withstand anything (radiation, pressure or extreme temperatures), can be found anywhere on the planet - particularly in damp or aquatic environments - and is virtually capable of resurrection. We'll be back with more on this one, I promise!

If you look at the impressive bibliography that I urge you to peruse, it's not hard to imagine the litres of sweat that must have poured down our authors' brows to count the multitude of life forms that inhabit Lake Geneva.
Raphaëlle Juge


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