Infographics and leaflets

Printable documents to convey information on a variety of topics

The ASL's infographics and leaflets can be downloaded and printed free of charge for non-commercial use.
Please include the reference at the bottom of the infographic when using it in the written press or on a digital document.

Food chain

Aquatic birds

Secchi disc

Forel scale

Adopt a cup

Cigarette butts

Long live reusability

L'R de rien



Life in riprap

Port lagoons

Aquatic vegetation



On the trail

Lake Geneva, source of life

Stop knotweed

Birds love Lake Geneva

A little limnology

The big comeback

Lake Geneva... an Alpine lake?

Navigating without rambling

All in the same bath

Great crested grebe

Sub-lake forests

The mesoscaphes of Lake Geneva

Avoiding the arrival of new invasive species in Lake Geneva

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