L'Association pour la sauvegarde du Léman (ASL) is a French-Swiss not-for-profit, apolitical, scientific reference association recognised as being in the public interest.
Since 1980, the ASL has been working on a daily basis to safeguard the quality of the water in the lake and rivers of the Lake Geneva basin. After winning the battle against phosphates, other concerns now require our vigilance, such as macro-waste, micro-plastics, micro-pollutants and invasive species. The ASL's work is recognised by the federal, cantonal/departmental and municipal authorities, as well as by the general public, for its seriousness and objectivity.
The ASL is committed to protecting the ecological integrity of Lake Geneva through scientific research, practical conservation projects and the promotion of sustainable water management. ASL's work covers a wide range of activities, from field operations to raising public awareness of the importance of preserving aquatic ecosystems. ASL adopts a collaborative and evidence-based approach, working with public authorities and civil society to achieve long-term environmental goals.
Operations in the field
Through concrete projects such as Net'Lémanthe major lake clean-up, which removes several tonnes of waste from Lake Geneva every year, and the Stop Knotweed to uproot invasive species of knotweed, the ASL is taking concrete action to restore and protect the natural environment of Lake Geneva.
Raising awareness
Awareness-raising and education at all levels are fundamental to the ASL's mission. The ASL runs information campaigns, organises conferences and takes part in events to raise awareness of Lake Geneva and its ecosystem, and to stress the importance of protecting this precious natural resource, whether in schools, among the general public or among businesses. In 2024, the ASL also inaugurated theEspace LémanA place to discover the lake, its biodiversity and the threats to this unique ecosystem.
Participatory science
Aware of the importance of community involvement, ASL has developed a number of citizen science projects, including Pla'stock, l'App Net'Léman and Lemanscope. These initiatives enable volunteers to contribute to scientific research by collecting and analysing data on the health of the lake and pollution levels.
Collaboration and expertise
ASL works closely with government agencies, academic institutions and other environmental organisations to share its expertise and promote effective conservation strategies. Its reputation for scientific rigour, objectivity and practical solutions is recognised by federal, cantonal/departmental and municipal authorities, as well as by the general public. The ASL has thus become a key player in the sustainable management of Lake Geneva and the surrounding area.
Monitoring and advocacy
In addition to its involvement in the various committees, the ASL acts by making representations to the authorities whenever it deems it necessary. It participates actively, directly and indirectly, in the development of public policies relating to water management and the conservation of aquatic ecosystems in the Lake Geneva region.
Lake Geneva is in good health, providing us with an exceptional quality of life and a host of benefits: drinking water, swimming, boating, tourism, various lake-related professions, etc.
However, we must remain vigilant, as we know that Lake Geneva is not immune to pollution such as macro-waste, micro-plastics, chemical products and micro-pollutants, nor to degradation linked to the loss of biodiversity, climate change and demographic pressure.
You too can help protect the waters of Lake Geneva. Your commitment will enable us to continue our actions over the long term and ensure that future generations can also benefit from this unique heritage!
In turn, help us to safeguard this magnificent heritage over the long term by your donation or membership..
Rue des Cordiers 2
1207 Geneva
Espace Léman opening times
Nature centre dedicated to the lake
Monday to Friday, 11am to 5pm
Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman - All rights reserved - 2024
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