Support us

Support our actions in favour of Lake Geneva

The choice is yours!

Become a member

Become part of the ASL community!

By becoming a member, you enable the ASL to develop its means of action on the ground and strengthen its influence with politicians and administrations.

It's also a great opportunity to :

  • Find out more about the state of Lake Geneva and its tributaries by receiving our quarterly magazine "Lémaniques" - in French only. See the Lake Geneva page
  • When you want, you can take part in actions in the field to conserve biodiversity or take part in events by helping out on our stands. See the Volunteering page
  • Get your children involved in the many youth activities on offer all year round - See the Youth page

Table of contributions

 Type of contribution Amount in SwitzerlandAmount in France
 Junior (under 25) / AVS / AI / UnemployedCHF 25€ 15
 IndividualCHF 70€ 45
 Families/Communities/AssociationsCHF 120€ 80
 SupportCHF 200€ 130
 Friend of the lakeCHF 500€ 350
 Compagnon du LacFrom CHF 1,000From €700
 Sponsor From CHF 5,000From €3,500

If you live in France/EU and/or wish to pay your membership fee in euros, please use these bank account details:

Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman - F-74200 Thonon-les-Bains
Société Générale Bank : Account number: 00037261415
 FR76 3000 3001 0400 0372 6141 548
Bank N° : 30003 Agency : 00104 RIB key : 48

Send your cheques to our Treasurer :  ASL, c/o Max Rien, Allée Gravière, Coudrée 3, 74140 SCIEZ

You can also pay online by adding 5% to the total amount, to cover the costs that will be billed to us by thethe payment platform by clicking here.

If you live in Switzerland and/or wish to pay your membership fee in CHF, please use these bank account details: 

You can also request a payment slip by email : gro.namelsaobfsctd@lsa

Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman
Rue des Cordiers 2 - CH-1207 Geneva
Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman - 1207 Geneva
CCP 12-15316-0
IBAN CH60 0900 0000 1201 5316 0

You can also pay online by adding 5% to the total amount, to cover the costs that will be billed to us by the payment platform. Access the online payment platform

Support our actions for Lake Geneva!

Your donation helps to fund actions on the ground to preserve the biodiversity of Lake Geneva and its tributaries over the long term (for example, the Halte aux Renouées or Net'Léman action), scientific studies to better understand the causes of pollution (the flow of microplastics into Lake Geneva), and educational programmes for young people aged 7 to 17 in schools and out-of-school settings.

You can pay online via TWINT by adding 5% to the total amount, for the costs that will be billed to us by the payment platform. 

If you would like to make an invoice donation, please contact us directly: gro.namelsaobfsctd@lsa

Click here to make a donation via the SwissDonations platform.

Support our actions for Lake Geneva!

Your donation helps to fund actions on the ground to preserve the biodiversity of Lake Geneva and its tributaries over the long term (for example, the Halte aux Renouées or Net'Léman action), scientific studies to better understand the causes of pollution (the flow of microplastics into Lake Geneva), and educational programmes for young people aged 7 to 17 in schools and out-of-school settings.

If you would like to make an invoice donation, please contact us directly: gro.namelsaobfsctd@lsa

Click here to make an online donation.

Click here to make a donation via the SwissDonations platform.

If you live in Switzerland and/or would like to make a donation in CHF, please use these bank account details:

Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman
Rue des Cordiers 2 - CH-1207 Geneva
CCP 12-15316-0
IBAN CH60 0900 0000 1201 5316 0

You can also pay online by adding 5% to the total amount, for the costs we will be billed by the payment platform by clicking here.

If you live in France/EU and/or wish to make a donation in euros, please use these bank account details:

Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman - F-74200 Thonon-les-Bains
Société Générale Bank : Account number: 00037261415
 FR76 3000 3001 0400 0372 6141 548
Bank N° : 30003 Agency : 00104 RIB key : 48

Send your cheques to our Treasurer :  ASL, c/o Max Rien, Allée Gravière, Coudrée 3, 74140 SCIEZ

You can also pay online by adding 5% to the total amount, for the costs we will be billed by the payment platform by clicking here.

Lake Geneva is of great significance to you and/or your family, and you are keen to organise what happens to your assets while you are still alive, in accordance with your deepest aspirations. Many questions arise, for example when it comes to drawing up a will (holographic or public), which allows you to legally define your estate by setting conditions and giving certain people a larger or smaller share of your assets than is provided for by law.

How do you go about it?

It goes without saying that your loved ones are the first beneficiaries of your will or inheritance agreement. Thus, spouses, descendants or parents are always entitled to a minimum share known as the inheritance reserve. Other family members, such as brothers and sisters, are not reserved heirs. The fraction of the estate that exceeds the reserved portion is known as the "reserved portion". available share. You may dispose of it as you wish, for example by bequeathing it to a charitable organisation such as the Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman - ASL. If you have no reserved heirs, you can also make the Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman - ASL the universal heir.

In the absence of a will or inheritance agreement, your estate will be distributed in accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Civil Code. If there is no will and you have no heirs, your entire estate will revert to the State.

Finally, for a will to be valid, it must be written in your own handwriting, bearing the date, place and signature, with the name and precise address of our association:
Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman - ASL
Rue des Cordiers 2,
CH-1207 Geneva

Insurance beneficiary clause

For certain types of insurance, the beneficiary can be chosen freely. For example, you can designate the Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman - ASL as the beneficiary organisation. Please contact your insurance company directly for more information.

You've made your choice!

If you would like to establish the ASL as an heir because you feel close to its values and because Lake Geneva holds a special significance for you, we are at your disposal to build your project.

You can also take advantage of the advice of a notary.

Your contact

Ms Suzanne Mader-Feigenwinter, General Secretary, tel. +41 22 736 86 20

Registration form to become a member

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