
Here you will find information about the invisible world of Lake Geneva.
Photo: A. Piuz, Natural History Museum, Geneva.

biomass in aquatic environments
0 %
of the Earth's oxygen is produced by phytoplankton, invisible to the naked eye but visible from space!
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plankton species

Plankton in Lake Geneva

You can find out more about the plankton of Lake Geneva in the following issues 1529 and 125 of our quarterly magazine Lake Geneva region as well as in our infographics or in our weekly column News in 60 seconds.


Plankton form the basis of the food chain in any body of water. Plankton is defined as all living organisms suspended in the water which, unable to resist the currents, move with them. It is sometimes referred to as "drifting life".
Planktonic organisms are grouped as follows:

  • Phytoplankton (plant plankton)
  • Zooplankton (animal plankton)


Without phytoplankton, there would be no zooplankton, no small fish and no large predators in Lake Geneva; life under the lake would be non-existent. It's the principle of the food chain: if zooplankton can no longer feed on phytoplankton, it disappears, and small fish find themselves without zooplankton and decline in turn, which leads to the disappearance of large predators (pike, great crested grebe, etc.).

Among these microscopic organisms, one group is well known: algae! Please note that we are not talking about aquatic plants (macrophytes) ( but unicellular organisms. According to a 2003 CIPEL study, there are 140 taxa of phytoplankton in Lake Geneva alone!

Zooplankton are micro-organisms belonging to the animal kingdom. Like phytoplankton, it is invisible (or almost invisible) to the naked eye. However, they are capable of active movement, although they cannot oppose the current. They can be unicellular or multicellular, like the Daphnia, the largest zooplankton in Lake Geneva.


On a global scale, despite their small size, phytoplankton make up the majority of plant biomass in water and represent the planet's first lungs. In fact, 50% of the oxygen we breathe comes from aquatic environments. Floating freely in the 'euphotic' zone, i.e. where there is still light, these are photosynthetic organisms - which use the sun's energy to feed themselves - and so help to oxygenate the water.
Many species can form colonies, making them visible to the naked eye. These are commonly known as algae.

Be careful not to confuse macrophytes and seaweed!

When human activities introduce too many inorganic nutrients (such as phosphates) into the lake, algae proliferate rapidly (algal bloom). This proliferation creates an imbalance in the euphotic zone by preventing light from penetrating to the depths.

Main stages leading to eutrophication of an aquatic environment (source)

The macrophytesThe algae, aquatic plants growing at the bottom of the lake, are thus deprived of light. What's more, the decomposition of algae is a very oxygen-intensive process, causing asphyxiation of the environment over the long term. This asphyxiation, combined with the nutrient overload caused by the proliferation of phytoplankton, is known as eutrophication.

In short, phytoplankton is essential to life in aquatic environments and must be looked after.

In Lake Geneva, the reduction in phosphate inputs since the 1980s has led to a reduction in algal blooms and improved oxygenation of the water. This return to "normal" conditions has enabled aquatic plants to re-colonise shallow areas, forming new grass beds. Some fish, such as pike, have seen their populations increase as a result of this improvement in water quality.

Phytoplankton has impressive seasonal fluctuations; a litre of water can contain 30 to 50 times more plankton at the start of summer than in winter!

The quantity of phytoplankton is regulated by zooplankton. In spring, zooplankton consume a lot of phytoplankton, creating an imbalance. Then, having run out of food, the zooplankton disappear and the phytoplankton can develop again. Small fluctuations persist until summer, when equilibrium is reached.

Among the different types of phytoplankton, one taxon is particularly well known: Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae. Often cited for their potential toxicity in the event of an algal bloom, these are organisms that can photosynthesise under extreme conditions (pH, temperature, salinity, etc.). They are thought to be among the first to have produced oxygen and probably one of the first organisms on earth, having appeared over 3.8 billion years ago. Cyanobacteria (see below) have greatly contributed to making the planet habitable for animals.

Although tiny, phytoplankton is perhaps the living organism on which most responsibility rests.


Zooplankton feed on phytoplankton and are eaten by fish (especially young fish, known as fry), as well as by the molluscs and crustaceans of Lake Geneva. It is therefore an essential link between autotrophic organisms, capable of producing their own organic matter from light energy (plants), and heterotrophic species, which feed on organic matter (animals). Zooplankton is made up of two groups: permanent and temporary.

Permanent zooplankton spend their entire lives as plankton (such as Daphnia), whereas temporary plankton are only considered zooplankton during the larval phase of their development. These include certain species of crustaceans or molluscs such as the Zebra Mussel.

Study of pathogenic organisms and the physiological and pathological conditions involved in abnormal mussel (Mytilus sp.) mortality Charles (2019)

In Lake Geneva, the total number of zooplankton species is around 200! Compared with the number of fish species in the lake - around twenty native species - this is an impressive figure! Unlike phytoplankton, zooplankton can survive at depth. When the sun sets over Lake Geneva, it rises to the surface to feed on phytoplankton, then descends to the depths during the day to hide from predators and protect itself from the heat. This is not the only technique used by zooplankton to avoid being eaten; many are practically transparent!

Zooplankton have an extremely high reproduction rate. Take the Daphnia for example. The female can reproduce every 4 to 5 days from the age of 11 days, laying up to fifty eggs a week. This is an effective strategy for maintaining the population, despite its short lifespan (30 days on average) and numerous predators. So there's a whole world going on, hidden from view... right there, beneath the surface!

It is complex to group and identify plankton by species because of their size and similarities. For phytoplankton, therefore, it is more a question of taxa, which can refer to different levels of genetic classification. These include the phylum Cyanobacteria, the class Diatoms and green algae.


Occasionally, a particular type of algae will be in the news, as in 2021, when a bloom of brown algae of the type Uroglena was observed for several days. This huge bloom was even visible from space.

Uroglenaa 0.2 mm algae visible from space

The phytoplankton community in Lake Geneva is strongly influenced by the physico-chemical conditions of the lake. Some of the species present in Lake Geneva today are different from those present when phosphate levels were higher.



Asterionella formosa

One of the most commonly observed species in Lake Geneva, Asterionella formosa is characterised by a delicate star shape. Its presence is a sign of a eutrophic environment (nutrient-rich and low in oxygen).
Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström 


Fragilaria crotonensis

A species frequently found in Lake Geneva, it accounts for a large proportion of the lake's plankton biomass.
Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström


Diatoma ehrenbergii

Photo credit: © Sophie Lavigne, Canton of Geneva, OCEau, SSPMA



Planktothrix rubescens

Microcystis aeruginosa

Examples of potentially toxic cyanobacteria, both present in Lake Geneva. Depending on the period, they can account for a large proportion of the plankton biomass in Lake Geneva.

With over 2000 species listed worldwide, these photosynthetic micro-organisms are among the oldest life forms on the planet, having been the first to produce oxygen. Naturally present in aquatic ecosystems, cyanobacteria need light, nutrients and CO2 to develop.

During periods of heatwave, solar radiation and water temperature rise, which, combined with high concentrations of nutrients due to agriculture or wastewater pollution, can encourage the proliferation of cyanobacteria. This is known as an algal bloom. Some cyanobacteria can then produce toxins (notably microcystins) that can cause lethal problems in mammals.

The best advice is simply to avoid swimming if you see a spongy or slimy mat on the surface of the water, to prevent children from carrying water or pebbles to their mouths or dogs from entering the water, and not to fish. You should also contact the fire brigade (118 in Switzerland, 18 in France).

Photo credit: © Diane Maitre, Canton of Geneva, OCEau, SSPMA

Other commonly observed phytoplankton taxa

Ceratium hirundinella


One of the most commonly observed species in Lake Geneva. The species is more indicative of a eutrophic environment.
Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström 


Melosira spirogyra

A filamentous algae well-known to bathers. In fact, this is one of the species that will create colonies on the riprap around the edge of the lake. Their presence makes the rocks particularly slippery! 
Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström & ASL  



Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström


Dinobryon divergens

Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström


Staurastrum cingulum

Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström

Like phytoplankton, zooplankton are difficult to categorise because of their size and morphological similarities. They can have very varied diets. Some are herbivorous and consume phytoplankton, while some species eat other zooplankton. Two groups commonly observed in Lake Geneva are crustaceans and rotifers.


The crustacean sub-branch is mainly known for macroscopic species. In Lake Geneva, the best known are the crayfish or gammarids. However, it is in microscopic form that crustaceans are most abundant. They can be found in the larval stage (Nauplius) or the adult stage (e.g. Copepods or Daphnia).


Calanide (copepod)

Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström


Nauplius (copepod larva)

Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström



Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström





Usually measuring less than 2 mm, the rotifer phylum is characterised by bilateral symmetry. This taxon groups together a large number of the zooplankton species found in Lake Geneva.





Keratella quadrata

Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström




Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström




Crédit photo : © Håkan Kvarnström 

Jean-Claude DRUART, Frédéric RIMET, "Population dynamics of pelagic diatoms in Lake Geneva from 1974 to 2007".Archives des sciences, (2008)
Serena RASCONI, Oriane ANNEVILLE, Leslie LAINE, "Zooplankton du Léman, 2018 campaign "INAREE-UMR/CARRTEL, Thonon les bains Cedex. 2020.
Frédéric RIMET, " Phytoplankton in Lake Geneva, 2018 campaign", INRA-UMR/CARRTEL, Thonon les bains Cedex. 2019
Frédéric RIMET, " Phytoplankton in Lake Geneva, 2018 campaign", INRA-UMR/CARRTEL, Thonon les bains Cedex. 2021
Christian SARDET, " Plankton; wonders of the difting world"the university of Chicago press, 2015
Havel, J. E. (2009). Cladocera. Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 611-622.
Sivonen, K. (2009). Cyanobacterial Toxins. Encyclopedia of Microbiology, 290-307.

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