
The committee

The Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman has been a registered charity since 1980.

Pascal MULATTIERI, Biologist, Bernex, Geneva, CH
Jean-Marcel DORIOZ, Environmental scientist, Maugny/Draillant, FR
Max RIEN, Chartered accountant, Sciez, FR

Marc BERNARD, Water chemistry engineer, Bramois, Valais, CH
Julien BOUCHER, Environmental engineer, Lausanne, Vaud, CH
Gabrielle CHIKHI-JANS, Lic. Social Sciences, Geneva, CH
Hubert J. du PLESSIX, Lawyer and ornithologist, Mies, Vaud, CH
Alain GAGNAIRE, Computer engineer, Thonon-les-Bains, FR
Claude GANTY, Geologist, Geneva, CH
Jean-Pierre GRAZ, Lawyer, Geneva, CH
Julie GRELOT, Biologist, Chavornay, Vaud, CH
Raphaëlle JUGE, Biologist, Chêne-Bougeries, Geneva, CH
Diane MAITRE, Hydrobiologist and diver, Geneva, CH
Daniel OSSENT Computer scientist, Conches, Geneva, CH
Damien ROBERT-CHARRUE, Nature Management Engineer, Geneva CH
Paul ROUX, Engineer, Thonon-les-bains, FR
Agathe SCHUTZLE, Biologist-ecologist, St-Genis-Pouilly, FR
Serge STOLL, Physico-chemist in water science, Geneva, CH
Laurent VALLOTON, Biologist, Ornithologist, Geneva, CH

Jean-Bernard LACHAVANNE, Hydrobiologist, Confignon, CH

The staff

Adrien Bonny

Senior Project Manager Executive assistant

A privileged observer of the lake that he criss-crosses throughout the year while practising his passion, sailing, Adrien is always on the lookout for new projects to preserve Lake Geneva. Adrien holds a Master's degree in environmental science and has been a project manager at the ASL since 2012. a programme to raise awareness and educate people about preserving Lake Geneva and the project Stop Knotweedresponsible for projects relating to microplasticsresponsible for the Geneva sector as part of Net'Léman the major lake clean-up and represents the ASL at the Ports Commission of the Canton of Geneva. It also supports the Executive Board in the governance and financial strategy of the ASL.

Suzanne Mader-Feigenwinter

General secretary

Amazed by the beauty of nature, Suzanne became aware of the importance of protecting it as a teenager when she discovered the pollution threatening Lake Geneva while sailing. After a career in advertising and as a marketing manager for Geneva wines, she undertook a CAS in Sustainable Development at UNI Geneva to gain a better understanding of the issues involved in preserving the environment. General Secretary since 2013, she expresses her attachment to Lake Geneva by coordinating the strategic, operational and financial aspects to achieve the association's objectives.

Circé Luginbuehl

Administrative secretary

A lover of nature and Lake Geneva, a trainer, vocal coach and secretary with a strong commitment to supporting environmental, social and cultural causes, Circé joined ASL in 2018 to look after the association's secretariat, after 14 years in the voluntary sector. She manages the database of members and volunteers, takes care of sending out the Lémaniques, orders for our shop and deals with the many letters and emails we receive.

Julie Choubard

Accounting manager Project manager

A keen diver, Julie soon became involved as a volunteer in a number of associations working to protect the environment. That's how she discovered the ASL, attracted by its actions to clean up the lake, particularly underwater. She finally joined the association in 2019 to put her skills in accounting and management control to good use and is now in charge of the " Stop Knotweed "In 2022, he will be setting his sights on France for a goal that is close to his heart: saving Lake Geneva. 

Alexis Pochelon

Project manager

A keen nature lover and ornithologist, Alexis studied Nature Management before going on to do a Masters in Environmental Science. He is often out sailing on Lake Geneva, so it was only natural that his interest in water should develop. Following a master's thesis on nanoplastics, Alexis joined the ASL in 2020 as project manager for themes linked to the environment. plastic and biodiversity to pass on his passion for Lake Geneva and its inhabitants.

Coralie Pittard

Project manager

Coralie has a natural curiosity about the environment around her, and studied nature management and environmental science. Aware of the fragility of the Lake Geneva ecosystem, she has carried out a number of awareness-raising projects on this theme for the Musée du Léman and the Maison de la Rivière. She joined the ASL in 2022, as project manager. "Stop Knotweedin the canton of VaudShe also runs the awareness-raising activities in the classroom in the Vaud, Valais and Fribourg regions, as well as the  extracurricular such as holiday passports or camps.

Ereza Haliti

Communications Officer Project manager

Ereza joined the ASL team in January 2023 with a mandate as part of PPE+. Ereza holds a Bachelor's degree in Marketing & Communication and a federal diploma in Public Relations (PR). She worked for several years in communications before becoming a programme manager for an ocean protection foundation. Very comfortable using today's means of communication, she has already made a major contribution to raising the ASL's profile. Responsible for organising Net'LémanShe will also be keen to help disseminate the ASL's messages and raise its profile among the general public.

Robin Pittet

Project manager

Passionate about nature, Robin began his career as a horticulturist before adding a degree in the psychology of sustainable development. After working for the Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman as a civil servant and then as an intern, in 2023 he took charge of theEspace Léman - nature centre dedicated to the lake. In this role, he coordinates awareness-raising, educational and exhibition initiatives dedicated to Lake Geneva and its biodiversity. Since 2025, he has also been in charge of the " Stop knotweed "He is particularly familiar with this programme, having been involved in it during his civilian service.

Laura Gutierrez

Project manager

Passionate about fauna, flora and their protection, Laura has always had a strong connection with aquatic ecosystems. Determined to play an active role in preserving the environment, she completed a master's degree in conservation, evolutionary and behavioural biology. After a rewarding internship with the ASL, she joined the team in 2024 to develop awareness-raising initiatives in the cantons of Vaud and Valais, such as the " Stop knotweed "and awareness-raising activities in the classroom. 

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