Touched, sunk?
Plastics in Lake Geneva - what is the reality, what is the future?
Le issue 110 of Lémaniques in December 2018, "Le Léman n'est pas un jouet! - with its deliberately ambiguous title featuring a small yellow celluloid duck, addressed the problem of the gradual accumulation of plastic in the lake.
On that occasion, we announced our intention to bring together specialists in the field from academic circles, administrations and associations in Switzerland and France to look at the real issues raised by such an observation. This workshop, entitled "Plastics in Lake Geneva - what reality, what future?" took place on 21 November 2019, organised by the ASL in collaboration with the F.A. Forel Department of Environmental and Water Sciences (DEFSE) at the University of Geneva.
It provided an opportunity to understand the ins and outs of this type of pollution on the scale of Lake Geneva and its region, with the aim of taking stock of the problem, exchanging experience and knowledge and in fine propose solutions.