ASL interactive webinars

From the comfort of your sofa, discover all the facets of Lake Geneva through a variety of themes covered in seminars led by a specialist.
shores to discover
0 km
people use the lake every day
of plastic enter the lake each year
0 kg

ASL online conferences from the comfort of your sofa

ASL webinars are held 4 to 6 times a year at 7pm and last about an hour. These seminars take the form of interactive and dynamic discussions with the invited specialist, moderated by the ASL.

The aim is to create a privileged contact with an expert in the field in question, enabling you to ask questions, share your opinions and even encourage debate between participants from the comfort of your sofa.

And it's free!

Upcoming webinars :

10 March 2025: The Quagga mussel with Bastiaan IBELINGS and Salomé BOUDET from the University of Geneva
Autumn 2025: Lake Geneva is not a toy 


Previous webinars :

  • Are the fish in Lake Geneva in danger? with Chloé GOULON, research engineer at INRAE (17.02.2025)
  • The melting of Lake Geneva - myth or reality? with Jean-Luc LOIZEAU, lecturer and researcher at the University of Geneva (25.11.2024)
  • The Great Lakes with Jean-Marcel DORIOZ, Vice-Chairman of the ASL (25.03.2024)
  • Paleafit populations around Lake Geneva with Pierre CORBOUD, archaeologist and prehistorian (12.02.2024)
  • Crayfish in danger - a battle of unequal claws with David BIPPUS, scientific collaborator at the Maison de la Rivière (13.11.2023)
  • The Bats of Lake Geneva with Aline WUILLEMIN, regional correspondent at the CCO-Geneva (01.04.2023)
  • The History of Lake Geneva, an "eternal" lake with Walter WILDI, former Director of the Institut F.-A Forel at the University of Geneva (13.02.2023)
  • Nanomaterials: a new threat to Lake Geneva?  with Serge STOLL, lecturer and researcher at the University of Geneva (07.11.2022)
  • The ecosystem services of Lake Geneva with Jean-Marcel DORIOZ, Vice-Chairman of the ASL (10.10.2022)
  • Lake Geneva through art and culture literature with Raphaëlle JUGE, biologist (02.05.2022)
  • Latin boats with Christian REYMOND, passionate (28.03.2022)
  • Fish migration with Amandine PILLONEL, scientific assistant at the Maison de la Rivière (29.11.2021)
  • Sublacustrine forests with Pascal MULATTIERI, biologist and professional diver (06.09.2021)
  • Microplastics in Lake Geneva with Dr. Julien BOUCHER, environmental engineer (28.06.2021)
  • The soil of Lake Geneva with Jean-Marcel DORIOZ, Vice-Chairman of the ASL (31.05.2021)
  • Lake birdlife with Laurent Valloton biologist, ornithologist (26.04.2021)
  • Webinars last about an hour, including questions.
  • The webinars will be held using the ZOOM.
  • You must register for each webinar using the form below.
  • The webinars are also broadcast live on social networks.
The next webinar will take place on 10 March 2025 and will address the issue of the Quagga mussel.

Registration form for 10 March

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Registrations (several ticks possible)

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