Wednesday 22 May 2019, 6.00 pm - Thonon-les Bains - Domaine de Ripaille

Dear member and friend of the ASL,
We are pleased to invite you to our 39th Annual General Meeting, which will be held on the following dates
Wednesday 22 May 2019 in the idyllic setting of the Château de Ripaille


6pm: Guided tour of the rooms restored by Louis Necker,
Chairman of the Fondation Ripaille and/or Pierre Sébastien Burnichon, Director.
This tour will include the rooms recently restored by the Fondation Ripaille: the former kitchen and winter dining room, and at the end of the tour the exhibition on Frédéric Engel Gros's steam yacht "La Dranse". You will also discover Madame's salon, which has been open to the public since
on 26 April.

7pm: General Meeting
1. Approval of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 3 May 2018
2. Activity report 2018
3. Treasurer's and auditors' report
4. Discussion and vote on the reports; discharge of the Committee
5. Presentation of the 2019 action programme
6. Presentation of members for the election of the new Committee
7. Elections: - 7.1 Committee - 7.2 Auditors
8. Miscellaneous

8pm: Local buffet and wine from Domaine de Ripaille
Come along with your friends to find out what the ASL is doing and talk to members of the Committee.
We hope to see you there, and we send you, dear members and friends of the ASL, our warmest greetings.

Buffet prices
25 per person
To be paid on site
Registration required (places are limited)
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