The Association pour la sauvegarde du Léman has mandated the bureau EA - Earth Action to develop, with the contribution of ASL's expertise, a model for predicting plastic pollution in Lake Geneva, as well as scenarios for reducing it by 2040.
Modelling has shown that almost 100 tonnes of plastics reach Lake Geneva every year, mainly via run-off from impermeable surfaces (83%). The automotive sector is the main contributor (33%), followed by the construction sector (24%) and public infrastructure (11%).
Eight scenarios have been devised, each offering the prospect of a reduction in plastic pollution in the Lake Geneva basin, depending on the action taken and the level of ambition. The most radical scenario would achieve a reduction of 75% by 2040 by combining actions upstream and downstream of plastic production with changes in individual and collective behaviour.
See the full results, read the report here.
Get involved, raise awareness and support initiatives to reduce plastic pollution. Together, let's preserve Lake Geneva and its ecosystem for future generations.