N°32 : The ambassador of summer, the summer teal

You may come across it on our lake in early spring. With its characteristic large white eyebrow, the arrival of the summer teal is synonymous with fine weather. As its name suggests, the teal only spends the summer months in our regions, avoiding the cooler periods by heading for the warmth and tranquillity of Africa. Cozy? And yet it's not afraid of long journeys across the Mediterranean and the Sahara! It is classified as one of the most highly migratory of the surface ducks and is the only duck species to leave our continent completely in winter.

Larger than its more common cousin, the Green-winged Teal, the male can be recognised by its large, handsome white eyebrow during the breeding season. In the case of juveniles and females, a sharper eye is needed to distinguish their darker cap and eye line. The nesting season starts at the beginning of May; the ducklings leave their nest a few hours after hatching and are able to fly after 2 months. So you need to be ready in time for the long journey to Africa!

Like its cousin, the summer teal likes peace and quiet and prefers marshy, damp areas with plenty of vegetation. However, this desired tranquillity does not seem to be satisfied. In fact, the summer teal is considered to be endangered in Switzerland. Given that wetlands, such as marshes and alluvial zones, are the most threatened biotopes in Switzerland (and under national protection), the teal's habitat is very limited and restricted. At the last count, the Swiss ornithological station at Sempach counted only one nesting pair... So keep your eyes peeled for the chance to cross paths with this fabulous traveller.

Information taken from the vogelwarte and oiseaux.net.

Photo credit: ©Luciano 95

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