ALGA - A research project to better understand and manage algal blooms in Lake Geneva
The quarterly "Lémaniques" newsletters have been published by the ASL since 1980. Each issue has a circulation of more than 8,000 and covers topics relating directly or indirectly to the Lake Geneva catchment area.
You will find below all the issues that have already been published and can be consulted free of charge. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
ALGA - A research project to better understand and manage algal blooms in Lake Geneva
The impressive annual input of plastic into Lake Geneva revealed thanks to a study by ASL: Léman Plastic Action
Crayfish, from Pangea to Lake Geneva A brief review of the invasion and regional examples of a battle of unequal claws
Desimperméabiliser la ville: Managing rainwater in urban spaces for the benefit of the living
ORP 1990-2018 : Operation Clean Rivers, a major ASL initiative to combat river pollution. Summary of the three campaigns to identify
Lake Geneva sites. The contribution of this heritage to our knowledge of the prehistoric environment
NRP 61: A national research programme for sustainable water management in Switzerland
Lake Geneva, a trendy place. Climate and Co... Birds of Lake Geneva under influence
Otters or Jet-skiing: The multiple vocations of Lake Geneva are difficult to reconcile
Bringing rivers back to life. A look back at 16 years of river renaturation in Geneva
The ASL is on the move! AD'EAU 2013 programme. The ASL goes to war against invaders
AD'EAU A programme of fun and educational activities for young people aged 6 to 16
All in the same boat. It's better to fall into the pot as a child to face up to an ecologically uncertain future!
Rue des Cordiers 2
1207 Geneva
Espace Léman opening times
Nature centre dedicated to the lake
Monday to Friday, 11am to 5pm
Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman - All rights reserved - 2024
Directed by Roguestudio