Awakening Lake Geneva, discovering biodiversity (nature outings)

Are you looking for the best way to start your day? Come with us and make the most of the dawn on Lake Geneva. Two hours of discovery will fill you with energy for the whole day. What could be better than savouring the tranquil moments just before sunrise? The still waters, the peaceful atmosphere, and the gentle awakening of Lake Geneva combine to produce a revelatory experience. Over the course of the summer we will be meeting at different spots on the lake shore to offer you a privileged opportunity to explore the biodiversity of Lake Geneva. The first half of each excursion will be dedicated to birdwatching, while the second part will take place in the water to discover what happens below the surface of the lake. Using masks and snorkels and guided by a set of information sheets, participants will be fully equipped to discover the gentle rhythm of the underwater meadows and the molluscs, crabs, and fishes which shelter within them. By jumping into the lake and ducking your head below the surface, you will be able to discover the beauty and the hidden mysteries of this ecosystem which is often ignored. The ASL information sheets will allow you to discover the forty species most commonly found in Lake Geneva. They are tough and watertight and can be taken on voyages of discovery around the lake either on land or when diving with a mask and snorkel.

Program of excursions for the summer 2021

Thursday May 27th: New Plage de Eaux Vives (Geneva) Wednesday June 16th: Préverenges (Vaud) Thursday June 24th: The delta of the Dranse river (France, 74) Tuesday August 24th: Jetty of Les Paquis (Geneva)

Information and registration here

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