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Peloton of mussels at the "Tour du Léman

Lake Geneva is under stress
Yes, and with good reason!
So here it is, with a new invasive species, after its cousin the zebra mussel, which loves pipes and boat hulls, the American crayfish, which is sweeping away our local crayfish with a swipe of its pincers (the proof: one has white legs, the other red, yes it does!), the "get out of my way so I can get on with it" but so pretty knotweed, the cormorant, gentleman burglar of the lake, a model of opportunism, the bête noire of fishermen but the darling of birdwatchers, and the catfish, more undesirable than invasive but still quite greedy and above all so big and ugly that it can hardly find a beautiful woman to turn it into a charming fish.
And then, all those bits of plastic that stick to his water, those micropollutants with unpredictable effects, freak him out because he doesn't really know how harmful they are.

It's also too hot, and not just in summer. This climate no longer respects the rules of winter, and it disturbs him, causing a chain reaction that disrupts his metabolism, which is still a little shaky, and upsets all his tenants.

Poor Lake Geneva, which thought it was out of the woods once it had rid itself of its excess phosphates, is now prey to new anxieties from which it would like to be relieved by the surrounding humanity, which it believes to be at the root of the ills that beset it.

So he's not out of the woods yet, but - thanks to your loyal support, past, present... and future! - ASL is doing its best to adapt the therapy it has been providing for nearly 40 years.

Read the Lémaniques

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